The conference will be held on level 3 of the CSU Lory Student Center. Never No Summer Room will feature Keynotes, lunches, and refreshments. See the map below for more information.

Visitor parking

All vehicles parked on campus must have a valid CSU parking permit or park in designated hourly parking spaces and pay at a pay station!

Around the Horn is a free CSU shuttle that connects to most visitor parking lots with a bus that loops every 10 minutes from 7 a.m. – 6:40 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.

Parking Permits

  • Hourly permit: Hourly parking on campus is $2. When you arrive in a lot with visitor parking, have your license plate number ready to enter into our hourly pay machines or you can download and use the Park Mobile app to pay by mobile phone. You can pay by credit card for the amount of time you wish to park. Your license plate number will serve as your permit. For more information visit short-term parking.
  • Daily permit: A daily permit can be purchased online or at Parking and Transportation Services, located in the Lake Street Garage at 1508 Center Avenue.

Where is the easiest place to park on campus for visitors?

Visitor parking permits are available for the areas listed below, also noted on the university’s parking map (PDF and online), and connect to Around the Horn to get you around campus:

  1. Moby Lot #195
  2. Green Hall
  3. Engineering #310
  4. Ammons Hall # 315
  5. Administration #349
  6. MAX at University Station #440
  7. Lake Street Garage
  8. Voss Veterinary Teaching Hospital
  9. Research Blvd #740

Visitor parking near the center of campus:

  1. Hartshorn Health Center #412
  2. Morgan Library #425


Parking on campus is monitored through a virtual permit system that scans your license plate. Your license plate is linked to your parking permit.

  • Vehicles must be parked so that a valid license plate or temporary registration is clearly visible from the drive lane.